How to download additional lesson files for Little Reader and Little Math

This tutorial will show you how to download files from the BrillKids Forum Library!


  1. To download files from the BrillKids Forum Library, simply visit the BrillKids Forum at and sign in to your BrillKids Account.

    Alternatively, if you are using Little Reader or Little Math, you may directly view the corresponding Download Library by going to the DOWNLOAD screen of your BrillKids software.


  2. Choose one of the three download libraries from the Forum menu – go to the "Little Reader Library" if you want to download lessons or playlists for your Little Reader software. If you want to download presets or media sets for your Little Math software, go to the "Little Math Library." Otherwise, if you are looking for slideshows, flash card printouts, infant stimulation cards, or activity sheets, go to "Free Downloads."

  3. You can then choose to view English files that are categorized into different topics, or check out Foreign Language files and browse through thousands of files shared by members of the BrillKids Online Community. Simply click on the topic or language you're interested in to see a list of files available for that topic or language.

  4. To download a file, just click on the "Download" button beside the file you want.


  5. If you wish to know more about the file before you download, simply click on the "Preview" button to see a preview of the file along with some information about it. You can then click on the "Download" button in this page to start downloading the file.

  6. Once the download is complete you may start using your new file. If you downloaded a Little Reader or Little Math file, make sure you import it into the corresponding software first so you can start playing it for your child.


And that's it – your Little Reader is now ready for your child's reading lessons. Happy teaching!

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