My baby is banging on the keyboard and/or grabbing the mouse. What should I do?

You don't need the keyboard to control your Little Reader lessons. If you are using a PC, the best thing is to place the keyboard out of your child's reach.


You will not need the mouse when showing flash lessons (which are set to auto-forward), but you will need it for multisensory lessons. It is advisable to invest in a wireless mouse if you don't already have one. Try to keep the mouse out of your baby's reach.


While we recommend that you use the pointer for your multisensory lessons, you may find it easier to remove your mouse from the desk if your child is particularly fixated on it. Remember to try reintroducing the mouse at a later time, so that you can begin using the pointer.


It is possible to take the mouse away, because a flat surface is not required to play words. Instead, use your mouse as though it were a remote control. Use left click to play the next word, and right click to go back. You can also press the mouse scroll to repeat.


Little Reader has a Keyboard button which turns your keyboard on or off. all power will be removed from your keyboard during playback (except the ESC key to exit the lesson). Your baby will be able to bash on the keyboard to his heart's content, without interrupting the lesson.

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