How to get a free trial of Little Reader (LITE)

Our LITE version of Little Reader requires no license key for you to activate the program, since it comes built in with free 14 days of PRO usage. All you need to do is to download and install the software, and upon opening it, it will provide you with the 14 days you need to try PRO out.

Once you've installed Little Reader, it will include starter content from our English (US) Curriculum (9 days' worth of course lessons). If you'd like to try starter content from our other language curricula, click here for instructions.

  1. Sign in to your BrillKids account.

  2. If you don't have a BrillKids account, please sign up for one here.

  3. Go to this page.

  4. Click on the download button to get the software installer for the latest version of Little Reader.

Note: Make sure the download is completely finished before trying to open it. Do not try to open a file which is in the process of downloading. If you try to open a file which hasn't finished downloading, it will give you the error saying the files are corrupt. This is because the files aren't completely there, they haven't finished downloading.

  1. Once you have finished downloading, open the file and double-click on the installer (*.exe) to begin the installation process.

  2. After the installation is completed, your BrillKids software will automatically open, giving you a 14-day trial of the PRO features, as well as starter lessons from our premade curriculum (first 9 days of the US English Curriculum).

    • Once the PRO trial period is done, your software will revert to LITE mode. All the PRO features will be locked or hidden until you unlock PRO, but you may continue playing the starter lessons or your purchased curriculum (if any) as many times as you like.


The Little Reader LITE software already comes with sample lessons from the English (US) Curriculum, but if you'd like to see sample lessons from the other language curricula (UK English, Simplified Chinese, etc.), simply do the following:

  1. Go back to the My Purchases section of your Account Management page.

  2. From the left-hand menu, click on Curriculum & License Key under Little Reader (or click here).

  3. Under "Free Starter Content," click on the download link for the sample content you want to try.

    A message will pop up, asking you to open the link with Little Reader. Click on Allow (Internet Explorer), OK (Firefox) or Launch Application (Chrome).


  4. Little Reader will open up automatically. A window will pop up and ask you to confirm the download. Click Yes to start downloading your Little Reader starter content.

  5. After Little Reader finishes importing the curriculum, a window will pop up and ask you to regenerate the course immediately after importing. Click Yes to start regenerating your Little Reader course content.


  6. When Little Reader finishes regenerating the course content, a window may pop up and ask you to restart Little Reader in order for the new fonts to display properly. Click Yes to restart Little Reader and after that you can begin playing lessons from the starter content!

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