How to use your Course Curriculum

If you bought a Little Reader curriculum, download and import your curriculum into your software. Once that's done, you can start playing you daily lessons from the Play Courses or Play & Edit screen.

BrillKids curriculum lessons are designed to be shown to your child once or twice per day, five days a week. Always remember to keep lessons FUN and LOVING for you and your little one!


Playing lessons from the Play Courses screen:

  1. Open Little Reader and go to the Play Courses screen.

  2. From the Available Courses box (upper left part of the screen), select the Semester you are in.

  3. Select the Day you are in from the yellow Day 001 Lessons bar in the middle of the screen.

  4. Click on the Play button to start your lesson.

Playing lessons from the Play & Edit screen:

NOTE: This feature is only available with Little Reader Pro.

  1. Open Little Reader and go to the Play & Edit screen (for Little Reader 2.x or below, go to the Advanced Play / Edit screen).

  2. Choose to display Courses.

  3. Select the Semester you are in.

  4. Select the Day you are in by highlighting the Day folder or a specific session or lesson.

  5. Click on the Play button to start your lesson.

Related Article:

Importing your Little Reader lesson content

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