NOTE: This feature is only available with Little Reader Pro.
- Before you start: Make sure you have a working microphone plugged in to your computer!
- Go to the Edit Word window of the word you want to record your own pronunciation for.
- Click the REC NEW button in the Picture Slide Panel. This will open the BrillKids Easy Voice Recorder.
How to use the BrillKids Easy Voice Recorder
- When you are ready, click on the REC button and speak into your microphone. You will notice that the REC button has now changed to a STOP button – click it to stop recording.
- You can now use the Skip to Start button (next to the REC button) to rewind, and then click PLAY to play back what you've just recorded.
- You may use the various tools in the BrillKids Easy Voice Recorder to edit your recording.
- If you are happy with the results, click on the Save button (or go to the File menu and select Save) to save your recording.
- Close the BrillKids Easy Voice Recorder window and return to the Little Reader Edit Word window.
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