This article includes two sections that apply to different versions of Little Reader. Please select the version of Little Reader installed on your computer below:
Follow these steps if you are using Little Reader version 3.x:
To get the rest of your Little Reader curriculum, you must first activate your Little Reader using your purchased license key.
If you do not have a license key yet, please purchase one from the BrillKids Online Store. To download your Little Reader content files, please sign in to your BrillKids Account.
Go to the software tab of your Account Management page by placing your cursor over the Account link at the top right of the page and clicking on the Purchases link, as shown below:
On the leftmost side of the screen, click on 2. Curriculum & License Key.
All curriculum content associated with your purchases and trials will be shown on the page. Find the curriculum that you want to import to Little Reader.
Click on the license key link to download the Little Reader curriculum content. A message will pop up, asking you to open the link with Little Reader. Click on Allow (Internet Explorer), OK (Firefox) or Launch Application (Chrome).
Little Reader will open up automatically. A window will pop up and ask you to confirm the download. Click Yes to start downloading your Little Reader curriculum content.
After Little Reader finishes importing the curriculum, a window will pop up and ask you to regenerate the course immediately after importing. Click Yes to start regenerating your Little Reader course content.
When Little Reader finishes regenerating the course content, a window will pop up and ask you to restart Little Reader to for the new fonts to display properly. Click Restart now to restart Little Reader and you may begin your baby's reading lessons!
Follow these steps if you are using Little Reader version 2.x:
To get the rest of your Little Reader curriculum, you must first activate your Little Reader using your purchased license key.
If you do not have a license key yet, please purchase one from the BrillKids Online Store. To download your Little Reader content files, please sign in to your BrillKids Account.
Go to the software tab of your Account Management page by placing your cursor over the Account link at the top right of the page and clicking on the Purchases link, as shown below:
On the leftmost side of the screen, click on 2. Curriculum & License Key.
All curriculum content files associated with your purchases and trials will be shown on the page. Browse for the curriculum content files in which you would like to download and click on the download link or button to get your content files. Note that downloading large files may take a while because of the large amount of media files attached to the lessons.
After downloading, double-click on the content files one by one, and your software will open automatically to import your lessons. A pop-up window will appear, asking if you want to import the content file – choose YES.
If you purchased the "Semester 1+2" curriculum, make sure you import the Semester 1 content file first.
Once Little Reader has finished importing all your content files, you may begin your baby's reading lessons!
TIP: If you have a slow or unstable Internet connection, or if you don't want to be connected to the Internet for too long, you can contact BrillKids Support to send you a CD/DVD for the content needed. Note that we need to charge separately to cover the shipping cost for that CD/DVD.