How to Back-up your Entire Little Reader Library

NOTE: Starting from Little Reader v3, this feature is only available with Little Reader Pro.


Backing up your Little Reader library is just as easy as exporting a lesson file which you have just created. (The only real difference between the two is that your library back up is going to be MASSIVE!)


Here's how to do it for users of Little Reader 2.x and up:

1. Open your Little Reader.

2. Click on the Tools button.

3. On the left side, click on the Backup / Restore Data button.


4. Wait for the "Copy to Media Library" scan to finish.  If there are any files located outside of your Little Reader Media Library, make sure you check the Select / Deselect All box on the bottom left corner of the Copy to Media Library window and then click on COPY on the bottom right corner of Little Reader.
5. On the upper left corner, click on  Database + Media Library in the Backup Data window. Make sure you also check the box which says With Fonts.


6. Click on the CREATE BACKUP button.


7. Type in a filename for your file, and choose where you would like the file to be saved in your computer.

8. A confirmation window will pop up. Click Yes to proceed.


The backup process may take a while if your library is huge. But once this is done, you will be shown a file which is a backup of your entire library. Copy or cut this file and place it in a very safe place (definitely outside the BrillKids Folder) so in case you reinstall your Little Reader, the file won't be deleted.


If you need to restore your backup, all you need to do is find your backup file and open it by double-clicking on the file. Little Reader will then start restoring data from your backup file - the restore process will take roughly as much time as when you saved your backup.

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