NOTE: This feature is only available with Little Reader Pro.
Little Reader not only allows you to personalize your child's lessons easily, but it also lets you create your own lessons about anything you want to teach you child, including a second or third language!
Before you start working on your translations, do make sure that your computer already has the necessary language packs installed, especially if you want to create lessons in a language that uses characters that are not included in the standard Roman alphabet.
Creating a translation of your Little Reader English Curriculum involves the following steps:
- Creating new Categories which will contain your translated words. Learn more here.
- Adding your translated words into your new Categories, where you will add in your pre-recorded pronunciations. You can translate words in two ways:
- Create words from scratch, OR
- Edit words from your English Categories and save your edited words as copies of the original ones using the Save As function. This way you can create duplicates of the original English words, which already include all the pictures or videos used in their corresponding English words – all you need to do now is to add in your own recordings and picture audio (optional). Don't forget to move your copied word into your new Category by dragging-and-dropping the word into the Category you want to add it to!
- Creating your own Playlist where you will add your translated Categories or words according to your preferred learning schedule or curriculum. Learn more here.
- Creating playlists is optional. Once you're done translating words you may already play your new Categories on their own, but if you'd like to show your translations according to a specific curriculum structure you can do it via Playlists.
Kindly note that you will spend quite a lot of time in translating your English lessons because in addition to the three steps above, you also need to record pronunciations and picture audio, or gather specific pictures and videos (if necessary). This is especially true if you plan to translate the entire Little Reader Curriculum.
If you feel that you might not have enough free time to work on translating your lessons, you can download some non-English categories from the Little Reader Foreign Language Downloads Library in the meantime, or watch out for updates on new Little Reader curriculum add-ons!
Related Articles:
How to use Little Reader with different languages
How to Edit Words
How to use the Easy Voice Recorder
How to use the Picture Editor
How to customize your playback
How do I download files from the forum?
Making a Curriculum/Course in Little Reader (Part 1)
Making a Curriculum/Course in Little Reader (Part 2)