Making a Curriculum/Course in Little Reader (Part 1)

NOTE: This feature is only available with Little Reader Pro and Little Reader Basic.


By creating your own course, you can simply take Categories that you like, and have them auto-generated into a day-by-day curriculum without having to plan out what is shown every day.

Create a New Course

First, go to the Play/Edit screen and select the Courses tab in the Lessons Panel. Then, click the New button (with the green "+") to create a new course. The Edit Course window will open up.



Change The Course Name

In the Edit Course window, look for General Course Settings at the top. In the "Name" field, type in the name you want to give to the new course.



Set The Session Length

In the Length option, you can set the length of the session as no limit or for a specific number of days.


To set the length of the session, first click the radio button next to Day(s). Then, use the Up/Down Arrow buttons to set the number of days.


Set Starting Day

You can set which day you want the session to start from by clicking the Up/Down Arrow buttons in the Starting Day option.



Day Display Format

You can change the way in which Little Reader names your sessions in the Day Display Format field. For example, if you set your lessons for 30 days, Day %DDD Lessons will be listed as Day 001 Lessons, Day 002 Lessons, etc.



Add a Session

To add a new session to your course, click the Add button (green "+" on the top right).


To add another session but with the same settings as the previous session, click the Downward Arrow button next to the Add button and select which session settings you want to copy.


The selected session settings will be copied to the new session.


Manage Lessons in a Session

Add Lessons to a Session

To add a Category List to a session, click the New button (green "+" icon) at the bottom. Or, you can choose to add a Game Lesson or Mirror Lesson by clicking the Downward Arrow button and then select the lesson type you want.


To add a lesson with the settings from one of the pre-existing lessons, click the Downward Arrow button next to the New button, hover over New with settings from, then select which lesson settings you want to copy.


Rename a Lesson

Right-click (or click the Downward Arrow button) the newly created lesson and then select Rename to rename the lesson.



Change Icon Type

Right-click (or click the Downward Arrow button) a lesson and hover over Icon to reveal a list of icons. Now change the icon for the selected lesson to better organize your course.


NOTE: You can only change icons for Category Lists.


Delete Lessons from a Session

To delete a lesson from a session, right-click (or click the Downward Arrow button) the lesson you want to delete and then select Delete to delete the lesson.



Rearrange the Order of Lessons

To change how the lessons in a session are arranged, right-click (or click the Downward Arrow button) the lessons and then click Move Up/Move Down, or use the Up/Down Arrow buttons at the bottom of the Lessons List.


Add Words/Categories to a Lesson

Category List

To add categories to a Category List, click the Edit Category List button at the bottom of the Category List (or click the Add Categories link inside if your list is empty).


The Edit Category List window will open up. You can start to manage the categories of your Category List here.


  • Add - From the All Categories panel on the left, double-click the categories you want to add to the Category List. You can also select the categories you want to add to the Category List and click the Add button in the middle of the window.
  • Remove - From the Category List panel on the right, select the categories you want to remove from the Category List, and then click the Remove button in the middle of the window.
  • Top/Up/Down/Bottom Arrow - Change how the categories are arranged by dragging and dropping them, or by using the Top/Up/Down/Bottom Arrow buttons.

Once you are done with the changes, click Save to save the settings, or click Cancel to undo the changes and exit the Edit Category List window.


Game / Mirror Lesson

These lessons are pre-populated with all available Category Lists in the selected session. To add words from a Category List to a Game / Mirror Lesson, check the box next to the corresponding Category List which you want to add to the lesson.


At the bottom of the Category List panel, you can click the Check All button to add words from all Category Lists to the lesson or click the Uncheck All button to remove words from all Category Lists.


Generating Lessons

Once you are satisfied with your changes, click the Save button below to save your adjustments. When you click the Close button, Little Reader will prompt you to generate your lessons. Click Yes, and your lessons will be created automatically.


You have now created your own curriculum/course. To view your curriculum, go to the Play / Edit screen, then select the Courses tab. Under the Display section, click the dropdown list and find select your curriculum.



Other Features

Reset Statistics

Click this button at the bottom left of the Edit Course window to reset the playback statistics to zero for this course.


View Schedule

Click this button next to the Reset Statistics button to view the lesson schedule of your course.


Related Article:

Making a Curriculum/Course in Little Reader (Part 2): Settings for Category List, Mirror and Game Lessons

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