NOTE: This feature is only available with Little Reader Pro and Little Reader Basic.
Lesson and Display Settings for Category List
Lesson Settings and Display Settings can be found on the right side of the Category List. These settings enable you to customize how the categories in the list will be displayed throughout the course.
Lesson Settings
- Title Slide - To show a title slide before starting to play back your lesson. Click the cogwheel button to open the Select word window.
- Same as Category above - Click this box if you want your selected category to follow the same settings as the previous one.
NOTE: You cannot turn on this option for the first category. Once turned on, the following options below will be disabled.
- Category starts - You can set a category to play automatically after the previous Category ends by selecting Auto / After previous Category ends or set it to play on a specific day by selecting On Day and typing in the day you want. To set your Category to play on the day after the previous Category ends, click the Magic Wand button to let Little Reader decides the day which the Category will start to play from.
- Word items to show each time - Set how many word items in the category will be shown during each playback.
- Rotation – The Add / remove word items option allows you to remove a number of words and replace them with new ones each day. To set the number of words, click the dropdown list next to it to adjust. The Show Category for (days) option allows you to show a chosen category for a number of days only. Afterwards, it'll be removed from the course and will not be played back again.
- Playback Settings Preset – You can change and customize the playback settings of your lessons via the Playback Settings Preset option. To change the playback settings preset for a lesson, click the dropdown list on the right and select a preset from the list.
To customize the playback settings, click the Preset Manager. A new window will now pop up.
- Preset Manager - In this window, you can create new presets or edit the pre-existing ones.
General and Playback Settings can be found on the right side of the Mirror / Game Lesson. These settings enable you to customize how the words in the list will be displayed throughout the course.
General Settings
- Title slide (for Lesson Type) - To show a title slide before starting to play back your lesson. Click the cogwheel button to open the Select word window. In the settings window, there are two radio buttons: Titles Only and All Words. Look for the right title that matches your lesson and press OK to select that as the title. If you don't want to show the lesson's title slide, just set it to Off.
- Show title and end slides (for each Category) - To show a title slide before starting to play back each category in a lesson and an end slide after playing back each category in a lesson.
- Word items to show – For Mirror Lessons, you can set which set of word items are shown during each playback.
- Generate lesson from day - You can set which day you want the lesson to start from by clicking the Up/Down Arrow buttons.
- Master Preset – For Mirror Lessons, you can change and customize the playback settings of your lessons via the Playback Settings Preset option. To change the playback settings preset for a lesson, click the dropdown list on the right and select a preset from the list.
- Order of Presets – For Game Lessons, you can set the order of which Game Preset will be applied during each playback.
- Game Preset List - For Game Lessons, you can view which Game Presets will be used during playback in the lesson and the way they are arranged in the Game Preset List.
To change the order of the Game Presets, use the Up/Down Arrows button at the bottom right of the list. To manage the Game Presets for your lesson, click the Edit Presets List button at the bottom left of the list. The Edit Lesson Game Presets window will open up.
- Add - From the All Game Presets panel on the left, double-click the Game Presets you want to add to the lesson. You can also select the Game Presets you want to add to the lesson and click the Add button in the middle of the window.
- Remove - From the Lesson Game Presets panel on the right, select the Game Presets you want to remove from the lesson, and then click the Remove button in the middle of the window.
- Top/Up/Down/Bottom Arrow - Change how the Game Presets are arranged by dragging and dropping them, or by using the Top/Up/Down/Bottom Arrow buttons.
Once you are done with the changes, click Save to save the settings, or click Cancel to undo the changes and exit the window.
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