Little Reader Lite (non-PRO): License Restrictions

What is a Little Reader Lite (non-PRO) License? What does it mean to have one?

Having a LITE license means that your Little Reader software has a key which only unlocks limited functionality. (This applies to those who purchased only the Curriculum.)


Here's a list of what you can do with only a Little Reader LITE license:

  • Play Courses: You can view or play your imported course lessons
  • Add or Edit Child Profiles: You can add profiles for each child you're teaching (to keep track of the lesson each child is in)
  • Access the Tools screen: You can use the Tools screen's Software Information, Language Settings, Backup/Restore Data, Support Tools, and Speed Optimizations sections
  • Access the Support Screen: You can check your software manual, use Support Tools or contact BrillKids Support
  • Access the Forum: You can post and ask questions directly to the BrillKids Forum
  • View the Start Guide


Here's a list of what you CAN'T do with a LITE license:

  • You cannot create your own lessons

  • You cannot edit existing lessons

  • You cannot download and import additional lessons from the library

  • You can't print out lesson slides

  • You can't adjust many playback settings

  • You have no access to the Progress Diary

  • No picture editing

  • No built-in voice recording


If you would like to unlock the FULL FUNCTIONALITY of your Little Reader program, you need a Little Reader PRO license key.

The Little Reader PRO Key can be purchased separately, or you can simply buy Little Reader Basic (includes English Curriculum + PRO).


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