NOTE: Using Category Packs requires Little Reader PRO.
If you bought a Category Pack from a distributor or received it as a gift from another person, you can add the license key on your Account Management page and unlock the ability to download purchased Category Pack from your BrillKids Account in the future.
- If you purchased the Category Pack from one of our distributors, you can find the license key inside the CD case.
- If you received the Category Pack as a gift from another person, you can find the license key in the gift message sent by BrillKids in your email account or inside the CD case provided that the person who gifted a Category Pack to you sent the product with box set.
Once you have your Category Pack license key, follow these steps:
1. Sign in to your BrillKids account and go to your Account Management page. (If you do not have a BrillKids Account, click here to learn more about how to register for a BrillKids Account.)
2. Select Category Pack under Little Reader from the left side of the screen.
3. Type in your license key in the "Category Pack Key" box, then click on the ADD TO ACCOUNT button to store it in your account.
4. The page will automatically reload, and after that you will see the download link for your Category Pack together with the corresponding license key. Click the download link to download and import your Category Pack into your Little Reader.
NOTE: Make sure that you've already installed Little Reader beforehand! If you haven't installed Little Reader, click here for instructions.
5. As soon as the download has finished, you can start playing your new categories from Little Reader's PLAY & EDIT screen.
If you bought multiple Category Packs, simply repeat Steps 3-5 above for each Category Pack license key.
Related Article:
Installing and Setting Up Your Little Reader (from your BrillKids Account)