NOTE: This feature is only available with Little Math Pro.
Little Math allows you to fully customize your child's learning experience not just by letting you adjust your playback settings, but you can also create and edit your own presets, which are customizable Number or Expression lesson playlists!
To create or edit presets, open Little Math and go to the Play & Edit screen.
Depending on which preset you want to create or edit, click on Numbers or Expressions.
To Add a Preset:
- Click on the New button at the bottom left part of the screen (below your Preset Panel).
- Type in the name of your new preset and press Enter to save it.
To Rename a Preset:
- Select the preset you want to rename and press Enter (notice that your cursor will turn into a vertical bar).
- Type in the new name of your preset and press Enter to save it.
To Delete a Preset:
- Select the preset you want to remove, then click on the X button or press Delete on your keyboard.
- When asked if you want to delete your selected Preset, click on Yes to confirm or No to cancel.
Organizing your Preset Library
You can create folders to help you better organize your Little Math lessons, especially as you create more presets or as you download additional presets from the BrillKids Forum. The Numbers and Expressions Presets that come with your Little Math are already organized into separate folders for you, but you can choose to re-organize your presets by renaming the folders or by adding your own folders:
- To create a folder, click on the New Folder button at the bottom left part of the screen (below your Preset Panel).
- Type in the name of your new folder and press Enter to save it.
- To rename your folder later on simply select the folder and press Enter, and you will be able to type in a new folder name.
- To delete a folder, select the folder you want to delete and click on the X button or press Delete on your keyboard.
You can also rearrange your presets and folders by selecting a preset or folder (or a group of these) and then clicking on the Up or Down Arrow buttons just across your other preset editing buttons.
Editing your Numbers and Expressions Presets
Customize your Little Math lessons further by editing your Numbers or Expressions preset settings! Simply click on the Settings button at the right side of the screen to open the Numbers or Expressions settings window, where you can configure your preset and playback settings as however you like!.
For detailed instructions on how to edit specific preset mode or display settings, you may refer to these pages:
Related Articles:
How to change the speed of your lessons in Little Math (slide transition)
How to Use Different Language Sound Sets in Little Math