NOTE: This feature is only available with Little Math Pro.
A great way to personalize your child's Little Math lessons is to add in your own media sets so that your child sees and hears familiar things and people from her very own environment. Armed with your imagination, you can do many things to make keep your child interested in her math lessons – you can create or download custom Icon, Voice, and Word Sets to make courses and presets even more exciting!
To create or edit media sets, open Little Math and go to the Media Library screen.
Depending on which media set you want to create or edit, click on Icon Sets, Voice Sets, or Word Sets.
Icons are pictures or shapes that are used to represent quantity, and a group of related icons is called an Icon Set. In your Media Library's Icon Sets tab, you will find a list of Icon Sets that are currently available in your Little Math media library, as well as buttons along the bottom of the screen that you can use to create, edit, and organize your Icon Sets.
Icon Sets Panel
- New – To create a new Icon Set, just click on New, type in the name of your new Icon Set and then press Enter on your keyboard. After this you may add in the icon image files you want to include in this set via the New button in the Items Panel.
- New Icon Group - An Icon Group is a collection of different Icon Sets that has a specific playback setting (e.g., Icon Sets included in a Group can be played randomly for each slide/equation OR for each playback). In effect, using Icon Groups lets you randomize the icons shown along with your Courses and Presets!
- To create a new Icon Group, just click on this button, type in the name of your new Icon Group and then press Enter on your keyboard.
- To add an existing Icon Set to your new Icon Group, drag-and-drop your selected Icon Set into your Icon Group folder (notice that the names of Icon Sets that have been added to a Group are in italicized font).
- To remove an Icon Set from an Icon Group, select the Icon Set and click on the X button or press Delete on your keyboard. Note that using the X and Delete buttons for Icon Group contents will not remove the Icon Set from your Little Math media library; rather, the "deleted" Icon Set will only be taken out of the Icon Group.
- Rename – Click on the Rename button to change the name or title of your selected Icon Set/Icon Group.
- Delete – To remove an Icon Set/Icon Group from your library, select an Icon Set/Icon Group and click on the Delete button.
- Move (Up and Down) – Organize your icon library by selecting an Icon Set/Icon Group and clicking on the Up or Down arrow button to move your selection up or down the list.
Items Panel
- New – To add an icon to your selected Icon Set, click on New and a Windows Explorer window will open, where you can locate select the image file you want to use as an icon.
- Change – If you'd like to change the image file used for an existing icon, just select the specific icon you want to replace and click on the Change button. In the Windows Explorer window that opens, locate and select the image file you want to use instead of the current file.
- Delete – To remove an existing icon from your Icon Set, select the image file and click on the Delete button.
Icon Panel
- Edit with Picture Editor – Click on this button to edit the selected icon with Picture Editor.
- Open Icon Location – Click on this button and a Windows Explorer window will open, showing you the folder where the selected icon's image file is located (by default, icon image files are stored in your Little Math Media Library).
NOTE: Little Math supports most image file formats (such as .jpg, .bmp, .gif, .png, etc.). Your image will be automatically scaled to a suitable size when used during playback, so don't worry if your image files are too big or small!
A Voice Set is a group of recordings for the numbers (0 to 100) and math symbols (+, -, x, ÷, and =) that are played along the icon and word slides in Little Math lessons. In your Media Library's Voice Sets tab, you will find a list of Voice Sets that are currently available in your Little Math media library, as well as buttons along the bottom of the screen that you can use to create, edit, and organize your Voice Sets.
Voice Sets Panel
- New – To create a new Voice Set, just click on New, type in the name of your new Voice Set and then press Enter on your keyboard. By default, the new Voice Set will be empty (i.e., no sound files are attached to the numbers), so after this you may add in the recordings you want to include in this set via the Change button. Make sure that you've already prepared the recordings for your new Voice Set beforehand.
- New Voice Group – A Voice Group is a collection of different Voice Sets that has a specific playback setting (e.g., Voice Sets included in a Group can be played randomly for each slide/equation OR for each playback). In effect, using Voice Groups lets you randomize the voices played along with your Courses and Presets!
- To create a new Voice Group, just click on this button, type in the name of your new Voice Group and then press Enter on your keyboard.
- To add an existing Voice Set to your new Voice Group, drag-and-drop your selected Voice Set into your Voice Group folder (notice that the names of Voice Sets that have been added to a Group are in italicized font).
- To remove a Voice Set from a Voice Group, select the Voice Set and click on the X button or press Delete on your keyboard. Note that using the X and Delete buttons for Voice Group contents will not remove the Voice Set from your Little Math media library; rather, the "deleted" Voice Set will only be taken out of the Voice Group.
- Rename – Click on the Rename button to change the name or title of your selected Voice Set.
- Delete – To remove a Voice Set from your library, select a Voice Set and click on the Delete button.
- Move (Up and Down) – Organize your voice library by selecting a Voice Set or Voice Group and clicking on the Up or Down arrow button to move your selection up or down the list.
Voice Preview Panel
- Play Selected Sound – You can listen to how a specific recording sounds like by selecting a number/operator from the Voice Set you are in and clicking on Play Selected Sound. Alternatively, you can click on the small play button that corresponds to each number to preview the recording.
- Rec - You can record a new set of voice for a specific number/operator by clicking on this button.
- Change – If you'd like to change the sound file used in an existing Voice Set, just select the specific number/operator you want to edit and click on the Change button. In the Windows Explorer window that opens, locate and select the recording file you want to use instead of the current file.
- Delete - Select a voice file and click on the Delete button to remove it from your voice library.
A Word Set is a group of words that represent numbers from 0 to 100 that are shown instead of icons in Little Math lessons. In your Media Library's Words tab, you will find a list of Word Sets that are currently available in your Little Math media library, as well as buttons along the bottom of the screen that you can use to create, edit and organize your Word Sets.
Word Sets Panel
- New – To create a new Word Set, just click on New, type in the name of your new Word Set and then press Enter on your keyboard. By default, the new Word Set comes pre-filled with English words, so after this you may change the words via the Change button.
- New Word Group – A Word Group is a collection of different Word Sets that has a specific playback setting (e.g., Word Sets included in a Group can be played randomly for each slide/equation OR for each playback). In effect, using Word Groups lets you randomize the words shown along with your Courses and Presets!
- To create a new Word Group, just click on this button, type in the name of your new Word Group and then press Enter on your keyboard.
- To add an existing Word Set to your new Word Group, drag-and-drop your selected Word Set into your Word Group folder (notice that the names of Word Sets that have been added to a Group are in italicized font).
- To remove a Word Set from a Word Group, select the Word Set and click on the X button or press Delete on your keyboard. Note that using the X and Delete buttons for Word Group contents will not remove the Word Set from your Little Math media library; rather, the "deleted" Word Set will only be taken out of the Word Group.
- Rename – Click on the Rename button to change the name or title of your selected Word Set.
- Delete – To remove a Word Set from your library, select a Word Set and click on the Delete button.
- Move (Up and Down) – Organize your word library by selecting a Word Set and clicking on the Up or Down arrow button to move your selection up or down the list.
Word Preview Panel
- Change – You can change the word assigned to a number in any Word Set. To do this, select the Word Set you want to edit, choose the number that needs to be changed, and then click on the Change button. To quickly edit numbers in a Word Set, simply select a number and double-click on it or press Enter on your keyboard.
After creating personal Media Sets, what's next?
Now that you're done creating your media sets, the next thing you need to do is customize your Little Math lessons so that your new media sets are used during playback! To do this, you can edit the Display Settings for individual presets or lessons via the Play & Edit screen, or you can use the Override function to apply changes to all your lessons.
If you want to teach your child to count or do math in different languages, all you need to do is create or download Voice Sets and Word Sets for your preferred language(s) and apply the media sets to your lessons using the Override function!
Related Articles:
How to Use Different Language Sound Sets in Little Math
How to change playback settings for all Little Math lessons