NOTE: This feature is only available with Little Math Pro.
Little Math allows you to share your learning library with other parents and children with an easy-to-use Import and Export function!
To import or export Little Math presets and media sets, simply select the Import/Export Content tab from the Tools screen and you will see the screen as shown below:
How to Export Presets
Exporting files means that you would like to save a copy of your library so you can share it with other people, or to save it as a backup for future use. This doesn't mean that you are deleting the Presets or Icon/Voice/Word sets from your Little Math entirely; rather you are just making a copy of these, to be saved in your computer.
- Click on the Tools button at the top of the Little Math window.
- Select the Import/Export Content tab from the Tools screen in Little Math.
- In the Export Content panel, choose to export Expressions or Numbers at the top right corner of the panel. (Note: We will show you how to export different media sets later in the sub-topic below.)
- Select the items that you would like to export. If you want to select two or more items at once, press and hold Ctrl or Shift on your keyboard while selecting multiple items, then release the key when you are done.
- In the Content panel (located on the left of the Expressions/Numbers list), choose whether you would like to export the corresponding media files.
- Click on the Export Content button (located at the lower right part of the Import/Export Content tab). A confirmation window will pop up, showing you the items that you've selected. If the list is correct, click Yes to proceed or click No if you want to cancel.
- Type in a filename for your file, and choose where you would like the file to be saved in your computer.
- Click on SAVE.
About the Screen Name Feature
Type in your BrillKids Forum username in the BrillKids Screen Name box (located at the bottom of the Import/Export Content Screen)– this will tag your Little Math files with your BrillKids Forum username so that when you export files to share with others, people will know you created those files.
How to Export Different Media Sets in Little Math
- Click on the Media Library button at the top of the Little Math window.
- Choose which type of Little Math files you would like to export by toggling between the Icon Sets, Voice Sets, and Word Sets tabs.
- Select the items that you would like to export. If you want to select two or more items at once, press and hold Ctrl or Shift on your keyboard while selecting multiple items, then release the key when you are done.
- Right-click on the selected items, and choose Export Media.
- A confirmation window will pop up, showing you the items that you've selected. If the list is correct, click Yes to proceed or click No if you want to cancel.
- Type in a filename for your file, and choose where you would like the file to be saved in your computer.
- Click on SAVE.
How to Import Little Math Files
Importing files means that you have already downloaded Presets or media sets, and these are saved in your computer. The next thing you need to do is import these files into your Little Math, so they can be ready for use!
- Select the Import/Export Content tab from the Tools screen in Little Math.
- In the Import panel, click on the Import button.
- In the Windows explorer windows that opens, locate the file you want to import.
- Click on the Open button.
- A new window will pop up. Click YES to continue importing.