To use your loyalty points to get discount coupons for BrillKids products or coupons from BrillKids partners, follow these steps:
1. Go to the BrillKids Forum or BrillKids Online Store.
2. Sign in to your BrillKids Account using your email address and your password.
3. Once signed in, move to the Points Redemption tab on the top navigation bar on the Forum and then select Spend Loyalty Points, or move to the Redeem Points tab on the top navigation bar on the Online Store and then select Get Discount Coupons.
4. Choose the item which you want to spend your points on. Click on the Learn More link.
5. Choose your discount coupon and quantity (the points required for the redemption will appear just above the "Select Coupon" box). Then, click on the Redeem Coupon button to continue.
6. Review your redemption. After you confirm your details, click on the Confirm button to complete the redemption procedure.
7. Your coupon code will be displayed under the Your Coupon Code section of the Coupon Redemption Receipt page. You may want to print out the receipt or copy down the coupon code to in order to apply your discount to the BrillKids product in the future. To use your coupon code, please follow the instructions in the How to Use your Discount Coupon section of the receipt page.
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