How to use the Audio Diagnostic Tool

If you are experiencing sound problems while playing lessons in your BrillKids Learning System, you may use the Audio Diagnostic Tool and it will do the necessary adjustments for you. It is recommended that you try using the Audio Diagnostic Tool first, and if the problem still remains you may contact the BrillKids Team for further assistance.


NOTE: For Little Reader 1.6 (or older) users, please upgrade your software to the latest software version first. If you are still having sound playback issues after the software update, try running the Audio Diagnostic Tool.



1. Open the BrillKids Support Tools window.

a. Open Support Tools from your Start Menu:

- From your Start Menu, go to All Programs.
- Open the BrillKids folder.
- Click on the item labeled Support Tools.

b. Or open Support Tools from your BrillKids software:

- Go to the Tools or Support screen and click on Support Tools.
- Click on the Launch Support Tools button.

c. If your software does not come with the Support Tools function (i.e., Little Math users):

- Click here to download the Support Tools software (standalone version).
- Open the *.zip file and extract the folder labeled "Support Tools (v 2.0.XXX)"
- Double-click on Support Tools.exe.


2. In the Support Tools window, go to Sound Problems? and run the Audio Diagnostic Tool by clicking on the Start Wizard button, as shown below:


3. Once the tool has finished, you may play a sample audio or go back to your BrillKids software to check if the problem was fixed.

4. Click on the It Works! button if your sound problem was fixed, and if not, click on the Problem Not Fixed button to continue making system adjustments. The tool is designed to apply a different fix each time you run it (you can try up to 5 times).



If you are still having sound playback problems after the Audio Diagnostic Tool has finished doing all possible adjustments, send us a message using our Contact Form. Please make sure you attach a Diagnostic Report to your message so we can troubleshoot further.


Related Article:

How to create a Diagnostic Report for your BrillKids Learning System

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