When reporting a problem or error that you encountered while using your BrillKids Learning System, make sure you attach a screenshot or a Diagnostic Report to your Tech Support message. Please tell us (in as much detail as you can) what is happening when you open or use your software, so we can quickly troubleshoot and provide a solution for you.
1. Open the BrillKids Support Tools window. There are three ways on accessing this:
a. Open Support Tools from your Start Menu:
- From your Start Menu, go to All Programs.
- Open the BrillKids folder.
- Click on the item labeled Support Tools.
b. Or open Support Tools from your BrillKids software:
- Go to the Tools or Support screen and click on Support Tools.
- Click on the Launch Support Tools button.
c. If your software does not come with the Support Tools function (OR if your BrillKids software is inaccessible or not yet installed):
- Click here to download the standalone version of Support Tools (v2.3.181, updated 04-Jan-2013)
- Open the *.zip file and extract the folder labeled "Support Tools (v 2.X.XXX)"
- Double-click on Support Tools.exe
2. In the Support Tools window, go to Create Diagnostic Report and click on the Create a Diagnostic Report button, as shown below:
3. A black window will open, collecting your system information. Once the tool has finished a Windows Explorer window will open, containing a file named "BrillKids_[NAME]_[DATE].zip"
NOTE: If this window does not open automatically, you may access the file by going to your "My Documents \ BrillKids \ Tools" folder.
If you cannot open your BrillKids software or Support Tools:
You may run the Diagnostic tool from your Start Menu by doing the following:
- From your Start Menu, go to All Programs.
- Open the BrillKids folder.
- Open the Little Reader folder (or the Little Math / Little Musician folder)
- Click on the item labeled Diagnostic to create your Diagnostic Report.
Attach your Diagnostic Report and screenshot (if any) to your Tech Support query and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!
You can send us your Tech Support query in four ways:
- Send your Diagnostic Report directly from the Support Tools window's Report a Problem section.
- Send us a message using our Contact Form. Alternatively, you may send an email to support[at]brillkids[dot]com.
- Post a new topic in the Tech Support board for Little Reader, Little Math, or Little Musician.
- Send a personal message (PM) to any BrillKids Forum Administrator.
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