How to Store License Keys in Your BrillKids Account

If you purchased your software from a local distributor or if you received it as a gift, you must store your license key in your BrillKids account first before you can use it.

Here's how:

1. Sign in at If you don't have an account, sign up for one here.

2. At the top right, click on ACCOUNT > PURCHASES.

3. Go to the CURRICULUM & LICENSE KEY PAGE for your program

- If you have a Little Reader license key, click on [2] CURRICULUM & LICENSE KEY

- If you have a Little Math license key, click on [5] CURRICULUM & LICENSE KEY

- If you have a Little Musician license key, click on [7] CURRICULUM & LICENSE KEY

4. Type in your license key in the field on this page, and click on the ADD TO ACCOUNT BUTTON.

5. Your license key will now be stored in your account.

NOTE: Storing your license key is NOT THE SAME as activating it. You must install the software and download your courses to your computer.

Click here to see a guide on how to install and download your programs:

Installing and Setting Up Your Little Reader

Installing and Setting Up Your Little Math

Installing and Setting Up Your Little Musician

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