How do I download more content?

Get more Course or Category lessons on your Little Reader Touch by visiting the Download Lessons screen - just tap the Download Lessons button from the app's Home screen to get started!

NOTE: If you are a licensed Little Reader (PC) user, make sure you sign in to your BrillKids Account before downloading anything!


  1. Depending on the type of lesson that you want to download, go to the Featured, Lesson Type, or Courses section by tapping the corresponding icon from the menu at the bottom of the screen
  2. Tap anywhere inside the lesson cell to learn more about the lesson before downloading
  3. When you're ready to download, tap once on the Free button (if you're getting a paid lesson, the button will show the price for downloading that specific lesson)
  4. Tap the Download button to start downloading (if you're getting a paid lesson, tap the Buy button and sign in to your Apple account)
  5. You can check your download progress by going to the Downloads section
  6. Once the download is finished, tap the Open button to jump to the Lesson Library and start playing your lesson!

TIP: To ensure a smooth download process (especially for large content files), we highly recommend using a good WiFi connection. Click here for more tips.



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