You can post a review for Little Reader Touch (LRT) at the App Store in two ways:
1. Click on the "Rate it in AppStore" button in your Little Reader Touch Settings window
- Open Little Reader Touch
- In the Home screen, click on the cog button at the top left corner
- In the Settings window, find the "Rate it in AppStore" button and click on it (the AppStore review page for Little Reader Touch will open)
- Type in your review and assign a rating for the app, and post your review
2. Find the Little Reader Touch page in the AppStore
- Open the App Store on your device (or open iTunes > iTunes Store on your PC or Mac)
- Search for "Little Reader Touch" and click on the app icon (not the download / buy button)
- Click on "Reviews"
- Click on "Write a Review" and complete the form, then post your review
NOTE: When posting reviews for any other app, you can follow method #2.