More about the Download Lessons screen

Get more Course or Category lessons on your Little Reader Touch by visiting the Download Lessons screen.  If you have a Little Reader (PC) license, make sure you sign in to your BrillKids Account so you won't miss the free downloads available only for Little Reader (PC) users!

The Download Lessons screen is divided into the following sections:

Featured - This is where you'll find lessons which were recently released (Latest), have the most downloads (Popular), and are currently on sale (Offers).

Lesson Types - This is where you'll find lesson categories organized by lesson type, such as Words for vocabulary lessons, Phrases for lessons on couplets, phrases and sentences, Phonics for Pattern Phonics lessons, and Stories for short stories. Learn more about downloading categories.

Courses - This is where you'll find Little Reader Curriculum content available for playback on Little Reader Touch.

NOTE: If you are a licensed Little Reader (PC) user, sign in to your BrillKids Account to download courses via iAccess. If you don't have Little Reader (PC), you can buy courses by signing in to your Apple account. Learn more about downloading courses.


Downloads - This is where you'll find a list of lessons that you've downloaded and installed in your device. This is also where you can check your ongoing lesson downloads and restore lessons that you've previously downloaded. Learn more about restoring downloads.

Updates - This additional section appears when there is an update available for any lesson that's currently installed in your device.


At the bottom of the Download Lessons screen are three buttons:

Notify me for new stuff! - If you want to receive email updates for new Little Reader Touch downloads or if you want to subscribe to the BrillKids Bulletin or Early Learning Essentials, tap this button to fill out a short subscription form.

Use an Affiliate Code - Enter your friend's BrillKids Affiliate code so you can get a discount on your paid course downloads (NOTE: discount does not apply to paid categories).

Sign in to BrillKids Account - If you have a BrillKids Account, sign in to your account so you won't miss out on special downloads available only for BrillKids members or licensed Little Reader (PC) users! 



Related Articles:

How do I download more content?

How to install and play courses on Little Reader Touch

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