Installing and Setting Up Your Little Musician from your Account Management Page

To unlock the full functionality of your Little Musician Learning System, you must have a purchased license key for Little Musician in your BrillKids Account.

If you do not have a license key yet, please purchase one from the BrillKids Online Store. To download your Little Musician installer, license key, and content files, please sign in to your BrillKids Account and then follow the steps below:

1. Go to the software tab of Account Management page by placing your cursor over the Account link at the top right of the page and clicking on the Purchases link, as shown below:



2. On the leftmost side of the screen, click on Little Musician Software.


3. Click on the download button to get the software installer for the latest version of Little Musician.



4. Once you've downloaded the file completely, locate the file you downloaded (unless you specified it to be saved elsewhere, it should be in your Downloads Folder.) Double-click on the "Little_Musician_install.exe" file inside. Simply follow the prompts in the InstallShield wizard to finish the installation process.


5. Go back to your Account Management page. On the leftmost side of the screen, click on Curriculum & License Key. This will bring you to the Little Musician Curriculum & License Key section.


6. Click on your license key link to download your music curriculum and license key.


A message will pop up, asking you to open the link with Little Musician. Click on Allow (Internet Explorer), OK (Firefox) or Launch Application (Chrome).


Can't find your license key? If you bought your Little Musician kit from a local distributor or if someone bought it for you as a gift, find the license key that came with your kit and type it in the Add License Key box and then click on the ADD TO ACCOUNT button. Click here for detailed instructions.
If you still can't find your key, it's possible that you used a different BrillKids account to store your key. Sign in to the correct BrillKids account in which your key is stored.


7. Little Musician will open up automatically. A window will pop up and ask you to confirm the download. Click Yes to start activating your Little Musician and downloading the curriculum content.



Note: You must be connected to the Internet to activate your copy of Little Musician and download your curriculum content. 


8. Once Little Musician has finished the activation process and downloaded the curriculum content, you may begin your baby's music lessons!

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