The Midi Songs Tab

NOTE: This feature is only available with Little Musician Pro.



The Midi Songs Tab shows a list of Midi Songs currently available in your Little Musician library. This is where you'll find the songs your child hears during Clap-Along lessons. At the bottom of the screen are buttons which you can use to create, rename, and delete your Midi Songs.


  • New - Add a new Midi Song by clicking on this button. This will open up an explorer window where you can locate the Midi Song file you want to add to your Little Musician library.


  • Rename - Select a Midi Song and click on this button to change the Midi Song's name.


  • Delete -Select a Midi Song and click on this button to remove it from your sound library.


  • Move (Up and Down) - Select a Midi Song and click on the Up/Down buttons to move it up or down the list.


  • Play - You can preview a Midi Song by clicking on the Play button at the right hand panel.



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