NOTE: This feature is only available with Little Musician Pro.
The Solfège Labels Tab shows a list of Solfège Labels that are currently available in your Little Musician label library. These Solfège Labels contain sets of descriptions that are shown alongside the notes they are assigned to during playback. At the bottom of the screen are buttons which you can use to create, edit, and customize your Solfège Labels.
- New - Add a new Solfège Label by clicking on this button. Type in the name of your new Solfège Label and press Enter on your keyboard.
NOTE: By default, the new Solfège Label will be empty, without any descriptions attached to the notes.
- Rename - Select a Solfège Label and click on this button to change the Solfège Label's name.
- Delete - Select a Solfège Label and click on this button to remove it from your library.
- Move (Up and Down) - Select a Solfège Label and click on the Up/Down buttons to move it up or down the list.
- Edit - You can change the description attached to a note by selecting a specific item from the right hand panel and clicking on the Edit button. Type in the descriptions of the selected note and press Enter on your keyboard.
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