NOTE: This feature is only available with Little Musician Pro.
Create new words to expand your child's Knowledge lesson library, and customize your lessons further by editing words to add your personal media files to make Knowledge lessons even more fun and exciting for your child!
Creating Words
1. Go to the Play & Edit screen.
2. Choose to display Knowledge.
3. Select the Knowledge lesson you want to add a new word to.
4. In the Word Settings tab, click on the New button at the bottom of the Word Settings Panel.
5. This will pop up the New Word window. The New Word window has four tabs that provide you with the functionality to add in the details for your new word.
6. In the Word Slide tab, you can enter your word in the Word(s) text box by typing in the word the way you want it to appear during playback. You may also insert "/" marks to divide your new word into syllables or parts (Example: "o/ver/ture").
7. Once you've added the necessary media files (i.e., pronunciation recordings, pictures, videos, or music clips / sound effects), click on the Save button. If you have not done so already, you will be prompted to enter a filename to save your new word.
NOTE: Filenames must begin with a letter and may contain numbers (e.g., "composer " or "composer1").
Editing Existing Words
1. Go to the Play & Edit screen.
2. Choose to display Knowledge.
3. Select the word you want to edit from the different Knowledge Word Lists.
4. Click on the Edit button below the Word List. The Edit Word window will pop up as shown below:
5. Once you're done adding your media files, click on the Save button.
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