Record your own Pronunciation

NOTE: This feature is only available with Little Musician Pro.



Little Musician comes with a built-in audio recording tool which you can use to record your own pronunciations, sound effects, or music clips!

  • Before you start, make sure you already have a working microphone plugged in to your computer!
  • Go to the Edit Word window of the word you want to record your own pronunciation for.
  • Click the Rec New button found in the Word Slide Tab or Picture Slide Tab (if you want to record your own picture audio, music or sound effects). This will open the BrillKids Easy Voice Recorder.


How to use the BrillKids Easy Voice Recorder

1. When you are ready, click the Rec button and speak into your microphone. You will notice that the Rec button has now changed to a Stop button - click on it to stop recording.
2. You can now use the Skip to Start button (next to the Rec button) to rewind, and then click Play to playback what you've just recorded.
3. The Easy Voice Recorder includes various functions that you can use to edit your recording. Once you're happy with your recording, just click on the Save button (or go to the File menu and select Save) to save your recording - your file will be saved in an .mp3 format and will automatically be included in the pronunciation or picture audio files for the word you are editing.
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