Managing Media Files

NOTE: This feature is only available with Little Musician Pro.



From the New/Edit Word window, you can add in your own set of recordings, pictures, videos, and music clips!


To manage your media files:

1. Go to the Play & Edit Screen and choose to display Knowledge.

2. Select the Knowledge lesson in which you want to customize.

3. Go to your selected Knowledge lesson's Word Settings tab, then select the word in which you want to customize its media files.

4. Click on the Edit button at the bottom of the word list.


Adding Pronunciation Recordings

1. In the Pronunciation Audio File(s) box of the Word Slide tab, click on the Add button and locate the pre-recorded audio file in your computer.


2. Click on the Open button to add your audio file, or simply drag-and-drop your audio file into the Pronunciation Audio File(s) box (you must have the folder containing your file opened already).

3. Click on the green Play button beside the audio name to preview your new pronunciation audio.


NOTE: Little Musician supports .mp3, .wav, .wma, and .mid audio file types.


Adding Pictures

1. In the Picture Slide tab, click on the Add button under the Picture(s) box and locate the photo or image file in your computer.

2. Click on the Open button to add your image file, or simply drag-and-drop your image file into the Picture(s) box (you must have the folder containing your file opened already).



NOTE: Little Musician supports .jpg, .bmp, .gif, and .png image file types.


Adding Videos

1. In the Video Slide tab, click on the Add button under the Video box and locate the video file in your computer.

2. Click on the Open button to add your video file, or simply drag-and-drop your video file into the Video box (you must have the folder containing your file opened already).

3. You can preview your video in the Video Preview box by clicking on the Play button just below the screen preview.


4. In the Audio section, you can choose which audio file you want to be played together with your video(s) during playback to play along with your video(s) during playback.



NOTE: Little Musician supports .swf, .avi, .mpg, .mpeg, .wmv video file types.


Adding Picture Audio Files (Sound Effects, Music Clips, etc.)

1. In the Picture Audio File(s) box, click on the Add button and locate the audio file in your computer.

2. Click on the Open button, or simply drag-and-drop your audio file into the Picture Audio File(s) box (you must have the folder containing your file opened already).

3. If you want the pronunciation to play instead of the picture audio when a picture is flashed during playback, enable the Play Pronunciation Instead option.



NOTE: Little Musician supports .mp3, .wav, .wma, and .mid audio file types.


Deleting Media Files

1. To delete any media file attached to a word, go to the Edit Word window for the word you want to edit.

2. Toggle the tab for the type of media file you want to delete. Select the file you want to remove from the list of media files currently attached to the word, then click on the Delete button.


NOTE: Deleting files this way will not remove the files from your computer permanently. If you want to delete unused media files permanently, use the Purge function in the Speed Optimization section of the Tools Screen.


Related Article:

Customizing Knowledge Lessons

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