The Settings window is where you can sign in to your BrillKids Account, customize your lesson playback settings, or get help from BrillKids Support.
Open the Settings window by tapping the Customize & Settings button at the Little Reader Touch home screen.
You will find the following options inside the Settings window:
BrillKids Account – Tap this button to sign in to your BrillKids Account or to sign up for a new account if you don't have one yet.
Skip Home on Start – Turn this on so that the next time you launch Little Reader Touch, the app will automatically go to the Lesson Library screen instead of the Home screen.
Autoforward Mode – Turn this on so that Little Reader Touch will flash all your lessons automatically (i.e., you don't need to tap or swipe through the lessons).
Hide 'Tap to continue' - Turn this on to remove the 'Tap to continue' slide during transition from one lesson to another when Autoforward Mode is turned on.
Hide Pointer - Turn this on to remove the pointer that shows the direction of reading when a word is shown during the lesson.
Next Slide Swipe – Choose to use a 1-finger or 2-finger swipe gesture to navigate through the lessons.
Tap to Next Slide – Turn this on so you can simply tap the screen to move to the next slide in the lesson (most useful if you're having problems with swipe gestures).
Transition Effect – Select the slide transition effect that you want to use during lesson playback.
- Cross Fade – The current slide disappears gradually as the next slide is displayed.
- Fade – The current slide disappears gradually before the next slide is displayed.
- Flip – The current slide flips to show the next slide behind it.
- None – The slides will be flashed without any transition effect.
- Swipe – The current slide moves to the left side of the screen as the next slide appears from the right side of the screen.
- Curl – The current slide rolls over to one side of the screen, revealing the next slide underneath (like turning pages in a book).
NOTE: Some transition effects may not work smoothly on some devices. If you find that the app hangs or the animation is not very smooth during the lesson, try changing the transition effect.
Transition Speed – Make slides flash faster or slower by sliding the knob to the right (faster) or to the left (slower).
Use the next set of options to reset the lessons in your library, or to get help on using Little Reader Touch:
Reset Lesson Library – This will delete ALL your downloaded lessons and restore the default Lesson Library (use only if you'd like to roll back your library to its original state).
Need Help? - If you have questions or problems, tap this button to visit the BrillKids Support Helpdesk, where you'll find detailed instructions and tutorials. In case you cannot find the information you need, sending a support request is just a few taps away!
Rate it in AppStore - Post your Little Reader Touch review on Google Play.
License Agreement - Read the End User License Agreement (EULA) for using Little Reader Touch.