Missing clapping boy/girl in Clap-Along lessons

Since Flash has been discontinued by Adobe, some of the features such as Clap-Along lessons in Little Musician will no longer function properly. Fixing these issues would require major programming changes in Little Musician, and unfortunately, we are unable to provide an exact timeline on when this software update would be available.

In the meantime, so that you can continue the lessons, you can turn off the "character" display (clapping boy/girl). This way you will just see the falling shapes in full screen during the Clap-Along lesson.

To turn off the "character" display:

  1. Open Little Musician and go to PLAY COURSES or PLAY & EDIT.
  2. Select the specific Semester and Day you are in, then highlight or click on the Clap-Along lesson item (e.g., "Mary had a little lamb").
  3. To the right of the PLAY button you'll see the "Show" heading, with two buttons below it - click on the button with a smiley icon on it to turn off the clapping character.


Alternatively, you can turn the character display off during playback:

  • Once the Clap-Along lesson starts, hover or place your cursor over the bottom of the screen.
  • The blue play control bar should pop up. From there you can click on the button with the smiley icon to turn off the clapping character.


If you prefer to use Override, just follow these steps:

  1. Open the Override Settings window (click on the cog button beside the Override button).
  2. Go to Clap-Along > Display.
  3. Switch on "Character" by clicking on the box with a red circle inside (after switching it on, the red circle will turn green).
  4. Click on the dropdown beside "Character" and select "None".
  5. Once you're done with your other setting changes, click Save.
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